What Leads to Proclaiming God's Majesty?

Psalm 8 begins and ends with the exclamation: "O Lord, our Lord, how majestic is your name in all the earth!"

Clearly, this is an expression of praise that David is giving to God, yet it seems to come in the context of preceding psalms that speak of trouble, fear, trial, and hopelessness. Perhaps this psalm gives a great picture of how it is that we can make it through the troubles of life. How does this happen? Since this psalm is bracketed, verses 1 and 9, with this exclamation of praise, then whatever fuels this praise will be found in verses 2 to 8.

First, we see how God establishes his strength on earth (verse 2)

God has established strength on this earth because God has foes in this world.  Think on Ephesians 2 and the truth that prior to salvation, all were "sons of disobedience" and lived in willing and open rebellion against God. This verse shows us that God's purpose in establishing strength in this world is to "still the enemy and the avenger". Thus, the question is: How has God established strength in this world?

"Out of the mouth of babies and infants." Weird huh? God establishes strength in this world through what appears to be weak and little.  Yet, this should remind us of what Paul says in 1 Corinthians 1:27: But God chose what is foolish in the world to shame the wise; God chose what is weak in the world to shame the strong.

Source of praise: God has chosen to display strength through what appears weak in the world. 

Second, we see what God has created (verses 3-4)

God has made the heavens, all that we see when we look up. The sky, space, the night and day, all were made by God. They are "the work of [his] fingers."  God is the one who has set the moon and the stars where they sit in the night sky.

In light of this David asks: Who is man that you think of him? Who is the son of man that you care for him? In light of how big and vast and capturing God's creation is we ought to see how small we are in comparison.

Source of praise: Despite to small stature of man in comparison to creation, God is mindful of man and cares for the sons of men. 

Lastly, we see who God has made man to be (verses 5-8)

God has made mankind slightly lower than the angels. Yet, even though the angels are holy in that they do not experience sin and dwell in the heavens, God has crowned man with honor and glory.

This honor and glory is seen in how God has given mankind stewardship over what he created.  Everything that God created he gives to man saying "Here, takes this. I created it and now I am giving you the privilege of managing it."

God has made all other living creatures in submission to man. All sheep, oxen, beasts of the field, birds, fish, and sea creatures are all subordinate to mankind.

Source of praise: God has crowned man with glory by giving him authority over all living things and stewarding what God made. 

So...by way of piecing this together. God has chosen to display his strength through what does not appear to be strong. God has chosen to display his strength through what appears weak in this world. As we look at and are amazed at how large and great God's creation is, we begin to realize that mankind is in fact that which is weak.  In comparison to God's creation mankind appears very small and weak. Yet, here's how God displays his strength!  God's creation, that is so large and great, is placed under the authority of the apparent weak and small man.

God has purposely given mankind authority over that what which is incredibly larger and greater in appearance.  This is what leads to awesome praise of God's majesty.

God is a god who loves mankind so much that God has ordained mankind authority over that which man cannot even fully comprehend.

"O Lord, our Lord, how majestic is your name in all the earth!" We know, God, that we approach you as our Lord through the salvation that is in Christ. May the Gospel shows us how you have used what seems foolish and weak in the world to confound that which seems wise and strong in the world. May this psalm and the authority you have given to man over creation further illuminate our understanding of Your Glory. May we see how you reign sovereign over all. May our understanding of how you have created and ordained the entire universe lead to great praise. May mankind praise you because of the honor and glory you have given to us. May we seek to be crowned with the honor and glory that is Christ Jesus, himself. 


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