The Paradox of Solitude and Community

So this post might actually be more journal than blog today, which makes me feel like a high school girl.  Sorry for all other bloggers who read that.  That's just usually what I think about when it comes to blogging and the whole "dear diary" shibang. Whatever...light humor. Let's face it today has been crazy, but there has been some sweet graces from God in it.

So the title mentions a paradox...well I've adopted this from Deitrich Bonhoeffer's book Life Together (highly recommended).  The focus of the book is around Gospel-centered relationships.  In the book, Bonhoeffer mentions that an individual is never fully capable of being alone unless he/she understands life in community; and an individual is never full capable of community without understanding life in solitude.

Essentially, the idea is that you can't live out life alone, yet you cannot be utterly dependent on community.  The Gospel community speaks truth into your personal life, while at the same time, as part of the community, you are to also shed wisdom amongst others.  The other side of the coin is that it is important to know how to make time for yourself and God alone. It is in the times of quiet solitude when we most clearly hear the still, small voice of God.  The time that we are alone is time made for communion with God.  When we can approach the throne of grace boldly in confession and bow on our knees before the Father who strengthens us.

Today has been one of those days when I feel like my failures have been amplified. The things that bother me have become smaller in view of eternity.

I am more foolish than I could ever imagine, and sinful in the same regard.  But God is infinantly more gracious and loving and willing to restore me.  If only I would just shut my own mouth and mind up to allow God to speak to me.  If only I would just sit humbly before His Word and in prayer could I then experience the life abundant that He offers.

I am incredibly thankful for the close men in my life.  Men that speaks the truth in love.  They speak grace and truth to my life.  I realize how intimidating it may be to be completely vulnerable with a few trustworthy men.  They can see into every single nook and crany of my life and my heart.  They have been given the keys to thoroughly investigate my life. THAT IS SCARY! Talk about fear of man...who knows what they will find within me. Yet, I welcome it because of their understanding of the Gospel.

Because these men know the shared hope that we have in the Risen Christ, I am confident that they will display what Romans 8 proclaims: There is now no condemnation for those who are in Christ.

These men see into the depths of my life, they expose my foolishness and sinfulness, they help me understand my need for mercy and grace, yet they also proclaim God's grace and mercy over me.

God's grace is not just a fall back to cover my sin whenever I fall. It is that, but God's grace is also the agent of change in my life. God's grace is an offensive weapon against the sinfulness and corruption in my life from this world. These men speak God's grace over and into my heart and life.

I would not understand how beautiful this is if it were not for my own quiet times with God. And I am incredibly thankful for these men who reinforce and remind me of these beautiful truths of Scripture.

Very thankful for God's grace and how he displays that through Gospel centered relationships and men that lock arms and help each other walk through life.

Very humbled, yet encouraged.

"Turn your eyes upon Jesus / look full in his wonderful face / and the things of earth will grow strangely dim / in the light of His glory and grace."


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