
Showing posts from September, 2017

Well Anchored....

I became a believer in Jesus Christ during my freshman year of college. I grew in the faith through an amazing collegiate ministry committed to discipleship and multiplication. I have many a friends that I consider great brothers and sisters in Christ that I am not as close to now because of the progression of life and where God has lead all of us with jobs, families, etc. I remember reading through Hebrews 6 with friends and close guys in my discipleship group and thinking how scary it is that some can fall away from the faith to the point of not being able to be restored.  I also remember thinking that none of those I have come to know through our ministry and church would be regarded as those that fall away. It did not take but a couple of years to see this actually manifest itself. I wont go into details as to how all of that happened. The point is that over the last 10 years I have seen friends from college ministry, church, and seminary that I considered rock solid suddenly